September 26, 2011

Bones Writer

Bones è un musicista professionista in   RL.  Per oltre 30 anni è stato un session player  ed ha lavorato su molti progetti nel corso degli anni.

Ha suonato con Felix Papalardi, Corky Laing & Leslie West (Mountain), Steven Tyler & Jimmy Crespo (Areosmith), Jimmy Buffet, Adam Bomb, Jon Poustette-Dart, Micheal Murphy, Doug Kershaw, Peter Noone, Felix Cavalari (Rascals), Steve Stevens (Billy Idol), Nicki Hopkins & Mick Taylor (Stones),  Jack Douglas (John Lennons Producer), Marge Raymond, Rick Derringer, Steve Augri (Journey),  Micheal Shrieve (Santana)  e molti altri.

Attualmente ha una Opera rock basata sulla novella di Dickens “Storia di due città” che è stata messa in scena lo scorso autunno a   NYC.

Vive in un’isola a 30 miglia dalla   east coast  degli  USA e trasmette in diretta streaming dallo  studio di casa sua.

Ama suonare tutti i tipi di musica ed esegue solo pezzi originali scritti, arrangiati ed interpretati interamente da lui!  

Esegue pezzi  rock, blues, jazz,reggae  e dal momento che vive con una coreografa ha anche scritto tanti pezzi per danza moderna e jazz...

Guardate un po’ qui

Bones says:
“ For a long time I have tried to make my music the most important thing here. Its never been about who I've played with or what I've done. But everyone keeps asking so I guess it's time to tell.   I 'm a professional musician in RL.  I've been a session player for over 30 years now and I've worked on many projects throughout the years. I've played with Felix Papalardi, Corky Laing & Leslie West (Mountain), Steven Tyler & Jimmy Crespo (Areosmith), Jimmy Buffet, Adam Bomb, Jon Poustette-Dart, Micheal Murphy, Doug Kershaw, Peter Noone, Felix Cavalari (Rascals), Steve Stevens (Billy Idol), Nicki Hopkins & Mick Taylor (Stones),  Jack Douglas (John Lennons Producer), Marge Raymond, Rick Derringer, Steve Augri (Journey),  Micheal Shrieve (Santana) and many more.  At present I have a Rock Opera based on A Tale of Two Cities that is being mounted this fall in NYC.  I Live on an Island 30 miles off the east coast of USA and stream from my studio in my home.  I love and play all types of music. I Play only all original music that i compose and I record and play all instruments so everything you hear is me. Drums, bass , guitar, keyboards etc.

I play rock, blues, jazz. reggae just about anything.. and stuff that I have no description for hahah...I have composed alot for Modern and Jazz Dance as I live with a Choreographer.

Check this out!

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