March 23, 2010

Roberto Tardito presenta in Second Life il suo CD "Se io fossi Dylan"

Roberto Tardito was born at Ivrea (Italy) in 1984.

He began to make music in 1998. In 2003 he wrote the music for the theatral show 'Simone Weil'.

After that, in 2004-2005 he presented his songs in several live shows, including a performance during Tavagnasco Rock Festival. In that night, he exibited also on the same stage Mauro Pagani and Morgan.

During 2006 he worked on a discographical project, "CONTROVENTO".

It was released in July 2007.

In this album some famous Italian artists played with him. People like: Francesco Guccini, Ivano Fossati, Angelo Branduardi, Fabrizio De Andrè, Niccolò Fabi, Samuele Bersani.

In 2008 he released his last cd "OTREBOR".

In this CD he published the songs written during his youth, as Roberto says :"I simply performed those songs  through the technical means on which I can count now, a sort of tribute to my teen years music".
In 2010 he released his third cd "Se io fossi Dylan".

Il progetto discografico SE FOSSI DYLAN, realizzato anche nella versione inglese IF I WERE DYLAN, riunisce musicisti di diverse nazionalità, grazie ad un inedito scambio multimediale.

Infatti tutti i contributi apportati all’album dai musicisti sono stati realizzati in varie parti del mondo, e successivamente riuniti ed integrati.
In questa operazione inedita, vengono a contatto culture musicali diversissime e differenti modi di intendere la musica.

Alla realizzazione dell’album hanno collaborato:

BAGO BALTHAZAR bodhràn, bang gu (Francia)
SHOKO CONVERT koto (Francia)
PATRICK CHARTOL basso elettrico (Francia)
GAN GUO er hu (Cina)
JEAN-PHILIPPE FANFANT batteria (Francia)
THIERRY FANFANT basso elettrico (Francia)
DANIEL LIFERMANN shakuhachi (Francia)
BARNABE MATSIONA isshakausansun (Algeria)
DAVID MIRANDON cajon, bodhran (Francia)
IURI MORAR santoon (Moldavia)
CLEM MOUNKALA chitarre classiche, chitarre acustiche (Francia)
PEYO PEEV gadulka (Bulgaria)
HEIKO PLANK plank guitar (Germania)
MILEN SLAVOV fisarmonica (USA)
ROBERTO TARDITO chitarre classiche e acustiche, pianoforte, bouzouki, liuto tunisino, sitar elettrico, contrabbasso, percussioni (Italia)

SE FOSSI DYLAN (MTR 031000716 2)
IF I WERE DYLAN (MTR 041000816 2)

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